Sunday, 2 November 2014

My love for food and dietitian in me!! 

This blog was started for several reasons. First, I love to cook for my family and  It wasn't always this way, but over the years it became this wonderful thing in my life as the food itself brought happiness not only because of its taste, but it also brought together friends and family…We are a family of foodies except Anvi , my younger one!! 
I love all food, so its hard for me to choose a favorite, but we (Deepak and me)  have a soft spot for Thai and Chinese..again except my younger one who just loves everything white and her all time favorite is paneer.

Sometimes Dietitian in me comes alive and I try to make some healthy food choices and I am quick to offer advice like “Just eat this”, “Don’t eat that!”, “Follow my diet”. What I realized through the years is that not everyone wants advice every time :)  

 I did lot of cooking during my graduation and post-graduation and found foods and nutrition as most interesting branch so opted for it.

Recently, tried some recipes at home..

Chocolate cake with choco chips for Anvis bday!

Anvis favourite choco chip muffins!

Penne arabiata (Kashishs and Deepaks favorite)

Vanilla choco chips muffins on Kashish bday

Vegetables and chicken in schwezan chinese sauce with rice

Home made Chicken nuggets 
 As mentioned before, this next recipe is for Anvi who just loves white food:)
Penne in white sauce (Anvis favorite)

 Actually, now my blog looks more like a food blog.
Cook, eat, enjoy and be happy :)

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